
by Sensei Labs

The vast majority of transformations are underperforming, and transformation leaders are now asking “What’s next?”

To help innovative leaders succeed in today’s survival of the fastest world, Sensei Labs offers ongoing education through two webinar series.

Enterprise Orchestration Era

 Webinar Series

Learn about emerging  transformation trends and how leading enterprises and investors are thriving in this new
Enterprise Orchestration Era
For Enterprises and Service Firms

Expedite cost reduction transformation
with modern Enterprise Orchestration operating model 

Every month we host a webinar sharing the transformation expertise we’ve learned through working with leading enterprises and large government organizations around the world.

For our latest webinar, in the 30-minute session, we will focus on the execution model of transformation and how it is being transformed via modern Enterprise Orchestration.  This webinar is for executives who want to gain insights into how this new model is delivering 3x transformation success over traditional operating models, and who want to discover examples of successful cost-reduction transformation and the many use cases that can benefit from this new execution model.

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For Private Equity and Investment Firms

Accelerate VCP execution and outcomes
with modern Portfolio Orchestration operating model

Private equity firms are facing a tsunami of challenges of extended inflation, high interest rates, regulatory fluctuations, geo-political uncertainty and potential recession, among other hurdles, such that holding on to an investment and waiting for it to naturally accrue value is no longer a viable option. Increasingly, investors and their portfolio companies are turning to the proven Enterprise Orchestration operating model, a/k/a value creation Portfolio Orchestration, to pro-actively drive improvements and establish a next-gen operating framework for continuous evolution.  

For our latest webinar, in the 30-minute session, we will focus on the mounding value creation challenges General Partners (GPs) are now facing and discuss why Portfolio Orchestration is quickly emerging as the new modern operating model to accelerate value creation, shorten holds, and improve overall PortCo transformation, even in the most challenging economic environments.

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