The Sensei Labs story decoded on Startwell Podcast

Sensei Labs

An exciting journey began when the New York Times best-seller, The Decoded Company book was originally published in 2014. We had spent years thinking about and building the future of work and were lucky enough to write about big data and talent-centricity at exactly the moment when both became big trends.  

There were often lineups of people after book events to ask our Co-Founder and CEO Jay Goldman where they could buy the platform he had spoken about. That’s how Sensei Labs was born. 

Though no startup’s path is ever as linear as it seems , it will be at launch. 

Learn more about our journey in the recent Startwell Podcast. 

During the conversation, Jay shared the unique story of how Sensei Labs got its start and the early success we’ve driven. Much of the conversation revolved around the experience Sensei Labs has had spinning out of Klick Health. Jay also discussed the evolving product-market fit, the diversified Senseis, and our take on pioneering with the 4-day work week. 

Tune in nowto listen into leadership nuggets for our amazing spin-out startup. 


The Entrepreneur’s Story Podcast

Sensei Labs

Our Co-founder and CEO, Jay Goldman, sat down with host Dennis Crowley to chat about his story and how our company came to be. They talked about Jay’s experience in building and growing Sensei Labs and his experience as the New York Times Best Selling author of the book The Decoded Company.

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